Dear Poppy,
I hope you had a nice Christmas and a Happy New Year. It sure was nice to see you on Christmas. I am very sorry for not writing you lately. Mummy tells me that in order to do better in the new year, I have to make some resolutions. So, here I go:
1. I will write more often to my cousin Poppy.
2. I will not play dead in the park or on the side walk, or in the middle of the road.
3. I will not run away from Mummy when she wants to leave the dog park.
4. I will not try to eat squirrels, pigeons or anything that moves and is slightly smaller than my cousin Poppy.
5. I will not wake up early.
6. I will sleep in my own bed.
7. I will not start playing at 10:30 pm
8. I will always look adoringly at Mummy and Puppaw
9. I will not use my sad puppy face to get my own way.
10. I will not hide in the blind spots of the spy cameras that mummy bought Puppaw.
You probably don't have as many resolutions as I have, since you are always so good. But I sure would like to hear them.
Lickity lick lick lick,
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