Dear Mugsy
You sound like you were in serious naughty or Lucy mode yesterday- and boy are you brave - i could never get in all of that naughtyness in one day
never seen rain inside before - it sounds so exciting - i think i live in hope. Mummy says its a disaster!!!! and she hopes your Mummy and Pawpa have been able to sort it out ok and the damage is not too bad - she sends them her love - and says you have to behave better - I'm on your side, it sounds such fun!!!!!!
This morning the snow was back - it had snowed all night - and it came right up to my tummy without me have to crouch - i was made to wear two coats so i looked like a michelin dog - but i was warm (until i got really wet) and i had great fun getting to work - Minty and Danny were both at the park and we had a good play then great cuddles with Mummy in a towel to warm me up at work before another play in more snow at lunch - it is now melting and is at a horrible sort of wet stage now - it just cold and miserable - i am lying in my bed sulking.
I have never tried chewing towels - always thought they were for being wrapped up in a cuddled - shredded a few with my claws - that is a very bad thing - i get into very big trouble - and actually the cuddles are great - recommend quiet time wrapped up in a big towell on a lap all cozy and snuggly - squeaky toys and balls are for chewing not towels - unless they're paper towels/ tissues in which case i am not sure about chewing more shredding - that really is fun - and if its outside mummy doesn't complain too much.
I told mummy about you chewing your yellow coat - i have a pink rain coat i don't like it has a hood on it and it gets in my eyes and my legs go on strike - and then i get in trouble - chewing coats is bad - its not worth it - being called lucy is not so bad - i had a little strike (when i refuse walk) earlier today and she took off my lead and threatened to leave me - i couldn't risk it and before i knew it i had done exactly what she wanted and walked back to the office, by her ankle to heel exactly as she said!!!!! - You are going to have to be careful - keep chewing coats and they will paint mustard on it - then when you chew it you get an awful taste it lasts for ages nothing gets rid of it - it stops all fun for hours - and they think its funny - stick to the balls - i think my two legs might be bringing you one - theres a big one in the flat - and i can't get my mouth round it - but i have lain on it so you can smell me. I suggested she brought some gravy but she didn't think your Mummy would approve or the customs people - i don't know who they are but they sounded scary.
Hope you are being Mugsy and not Lucy today -
lots of licks
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